Summer Blogger Promo Tour: Melissa from The Reader and the Chef

Today is the second Sunday of the Summer Blogger Promo Tour hosted by The Book Bratz! I’m really excited to have Melissa from The Reader and the Chef on the blog today because she’s talking about the food from YA books that she wishes she could actually eat. Be prepared: you’re about to get hungry. Check out her post and then make sure you go check out her blog!

Summer Blogger Promo Tour 2015


YA Foods I Wish To Eat In Their Fictional Worlds

Hi everyone! My name is Melissa and I’m “the reader” at The Reader and the Chef!

I’m pretty sure that you can already tell from my blog’s name that I LOVE food. I’m quite good at eating it too (not the cooking, I’m only decent – my sister is the Chef at my blog).

Food sometimes plays an important role on books. They sometimes make important scenes memorable. And because my sister and I love food,  I’m always on the lookout for these little details just so I can make my sister do them for me and I can stuff my face pretending I’m somehow part of those precious moments.

However, wouldn’t it be too darn awesome that instead of only eating all that delicious stuff mentioned inside the books, we could eat it in the actual place they were mentioned in? Huh!? HUH!?! I know I do!

So that’s why, for my post, I want to share with you the FOOD (mostly desserts) that I wish to one day (it will happen, I’m sure!) eat exactly where the characters enjoyed it. I might also have some other hidden purposes. (Note: Not all food/dessert pictures are mine, I borrowed a few because they look so great!)

Dauntless Chocolate Cake


Yup. My first choice would be THE Dauntless Chocolate Cake. I would looooove to have a piece of this yummy chocolatey goodness right beside Four/Tobias. It’s his favorite so OF COURSE it is my favorite as well. But first, I need to find a way to get to Chicago and then somehow get inside of Dauntless… Or we could eat it in the Ferris Wheel. Seriously, I wouldn’t mind.


From ChefDruck

Kiwi Pie

Lola and the Boy Next Door

This is something that seems more possible in a not-so-distant future. Kiwi Pie at Lola’s house in San Francisco. Bonus points if Cricket Bell is there. With an apron. Serving me pie. Lola and the Boy Next Door is one of my favorite reads and Cricket is one of my favorite book boyfriends so I really, really want to feel as close to him as possible.We actually already made our own version of this pie, but we didn’t eat it in San Francisco. Boo!  😦

kiwi pie

Mushroom Ravioli


Yes, I was a Twilight fan back in the days. Actually, I’m still pretty fond of the books and if someone offered me the chance to have Mushroom Ravioli  at Bella Italia in Port Angeles I would totally take out my I ❤ Vampire t-shirt and wear it while eating that deliciousness. Please don’t hate me.


From Bella Italia

Strawberry Tart

The Selection

I need to try that Strawberry tart mentioned in The Selection! This tart is everything guys, EVERYTHING. Okay, not really everything, I just want an excuse to get close to Prince Maxon or at least to eat something in a CASTLE. I also want to be a Princess. :)))

Strawberry Tart

From Martha Stewart

Lamb Stew with Dried Plums

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

I’m not so sure if I would like to eat this in the Capitol (Panem) but I AM curious to try it out. On my own terms and not be it my last meal before the games because I’m pretty sure I would be the first to go. Sad, sad, truth. I could also take some Pita bread made by my Peeta.

Lamb Stew

From Popsugar

Turkish Delight

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

I dare you not to think of Narnia every time you hear someone mention Turkish Delight! I’ve been craving this delicious looking turkish sweet since Edmund tried it in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (movie version). My sister just made me a batch but I don’t have a wardrobe and grandma’s is just a normal one sooo…. can someone lend me their wardrobe to Narnia? Pretty please? 🙂

Turkish Delight


The list could go on and on, but these are the top places I would love to visit someday to eat their respective “popular” dishes. I could have mentioned Harry Potter too but I thought it would be pointless since my Hogwarts letter is about to get here any day now & I’ll get there soon enough. (Ha. I wish.)

unfair gif

So tell me, have you ever wished to eat something in their fictional world or is it just me? 😮


_20150630_192922Melissa is a 21 year old book blogger and reviewer, currently studying Foreign Trade and Customs in Mexico. Her favorite genres are fantasy, paranormal, contemporary, and basically all things young adult with a hint of romance. She also enjoys reading new adult books and classic literature from time to time. When she’s not reading, she loves to sing out loud, eat sweets, stare at her collection of books and daydream about marrying one of her favorite book boyfriends. You can find her at her book blog The Reader and the Chef, and at Kate Tilton, Connecting Authors & Readers.

13 thoughts on “Summer Blogger Promo Tour: Melissa from The Reader and the Chef

  1. Pingback: Summer Blogger Promo Tour: 2015 Wrap Up Post | Caught Read Handed

  2. Whoa, way to make me starved at work! I wish Turkish Delight were actually as exciting as Edmund thought it was…

    The only book food that comes to mind is the time I was reading Hausfrau and they brought up iced lemon pound cake. That sent me into a craving tizzy for DAYS.

  3. FOOD IS AMAZING. And books and food? The perfection combination omg. And I want Dauntless chocolate cake so badly. I’m hungry after reading this now >.< OH AND LAMB STEW. I've never had it, so definitely would give it a try XD

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