Top Ten Tuesday: Book Boyfriends


So it’s Top Ten Tuesday again! Yay! This week’s theme as laid out by The Broke and the Bookish is:

Top Ten Characters Who X (you fill in the blank — examples: piss me off, are the popular kids, are bookish, would be my bff, that stole my heart, etc. etc.)

I decided to choose top ten characters who were totally my book boyfriend.

I’d just like to say before I start this list that I am probably seriously screwed up if these are the characters I’d choose to be my boyfriend. But you know what? This is a judgment free zone. So no judging, okay? J I’d also just like to say I’m not really a Mr. Darcy type of girl.

1. Charlie from The Perks of Being a Wallflower (he’s messed up, too, so we’d be one really messed up couple)


Logan Lerman is my perfect Charlie.

2. Augustus Waters from The Fault in Our Stars (I think everyone will agree on this one)

3. John Rebus from the Inspector Rebus series by Ian Rankin (I’m so screwed up)

4. Fred or George Weasley (I mean, constant laughs)

Just adorable!

Just adorable!

5. Will from Divergent (he’s witty and sweet and brave)

6. Don Tillman from The Rosie Project (imagine dating Sheldon Cooper. I have problems)

7. Finnick from The Hunger Games series (He is gorgeous, strong, sweet. What else do you want?)

I mean, HELLO!

I mean, HELLO!

8. Sherlock Holmes (Of course I’d be interested in someone who’d have absolutely none in me)

9. Wes from The Truth About Forever (No words, guys)

I couldn’t think of a full list, so I asked one of my friends, Noelle Avenmarg, for her book boyfriend. She said:

10. Calvin O’Keefe from the Wrinkle in Time series. (Probably my first book crush).


38 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Book Boyfriends

  1. Pingback: #BookBlogWriMo: #Top10Tuesday – Most Popular Posts | Caught Read Handed

  2. Rebus and Sherlock Holmes. Intriguing! You’re perhaps attracted to guys who solve mysteries? That could narrow your pool a bit when searching in the real world:) I don’t know that I really have too many lasting book boyfriends – I have flings that only last the duration of the book. Wesley perhaps from The Princess Bride. Francis Crawford of Lymond from Dorothy Dunnett’s the Lymond Chronicles though not really because he’s too intimidating. Bigby Wolf from the Fables series of graphic novels by Bill Willingham. This seems important to figure out:)!

    • Maybe! I do like a smart man, so the mystery solving kind are particularly attracting.
      You know, I haven’t read any of those books you mentioned. I’ll definitely have to check them out now though!
      Thank you for stopping by!

  3. I love this list! No judgement here, I always find myself loving the slightly messed characters in a book. Love love love Fred & George as a choice, and my Mum as read The Rosie Project! She made a Sheldon Cooper comparison too, and I LOVE that dude, so I really need to read this! Thanks for dropping by on my list!

    • The messed up characters are the best. They are more complicated, relatable, and real. I much prefer the weirdos. 🙂
      If you love Sheldon, you’ll adore The Rosie Project!
      Thanks for checking mine out, too!

  4. Fred and George! Yes! Also Finnick of course he is the only one that could challenge my love for Peeta! =) Great list and thanks for stopping by The Story Goes…

    • Haha. Yeah. I think I might actually like Finnick just a little bit more than Peeta. He’s just so darn charming. And I feel so bad for him because how people treated him.
      Thanks for stopping by my blog, too!

  5. Finnick! I loved him! His death hit me the hardest in the whole Hunger Games trilogy (I’m assuming you’ve read them all? I’d feel terrible if I just spoiled it for you!) Also, I was always partially to Fred Weasley myself, as well as Sirius…oops, looks like a lot of my book boyfriends die? Haha.

  6. Great list! I always feel weird thinking about book boyfriends, because A) I’m married, and B) I’m usually WAY too old for the characters. 🙂 I’ve got a huge crush on Peeta, but I’m basically old enough to be his mom (I’m 35). I guess Finnick is slightly more age appropriate, but I never crushed on him, although I do love the character. Fred & George are some of my favorite HP characters – so, so funny!
    BTW, I LOVE your blog’s name. 🙂

    • Thank you for stopping by!
      I understand what you mean. I think I’m at an okay age right now for book boyfriends (23), plus I’m single. But I still feel a little creepy sometimes when I read YA and fall in love with a character that’s supposed to be in high school. Haha. But it’s okay because it’s in a book!
      I definitely love Peeta, too! But Finnick is just so darn charming.
      Yay! Thank you! I tried to come up with something unique and witty. 🙂 Glad you like it.

  7. ha, these are great! i agree w/ George Weasley, though I always thought Fred was a little too mean. i agree w/ most of them (hellllllllo Wes!)

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