Top Ten Tuesday: Places books have made me want to visit

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by the Broke and the Bookish. Today’s theme was:

Ten Places Books Have Made Me Want To Visit (whether fictional or real)

Most of the books I read are set in fictional places that you DO NOT want to visit, but here are a few with incredible ones I’d definitely like to see.


Cabeswater (The Raven Cycle books by Maggie Stiefvater)


Diagon Alley (Harry Potter series by JK Rowling) – and now I can (sort of) go! Hope to go to Orlando next year. 🙂

Mercy Falls (The Wolves of Mercy Falls series by Maggie Stiefvater)

Neverland (duh. Peter Pan by JM Barrie)

Gotham (Yeah, it’d be a little crazy, but Batman. And Robin. Lots and lots of authors)

Gotham City


Amazingly and fortunately and luckily, number one here is a place I’ve actually been: Scotland (The Inspector Rebus series by Ian Rankin)

Paris (several books, but mostly significantly Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins)

Pittsburg (The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chobsky) – I’ve actually been there, but it was for a baseball game. I want to ride under that bridge like Charlie, Sam, and Patrick do.

Perks Tunnel

Alaska (several books, but most recently Let’s Get Lost by Adi Alsaid)

Japan (A Tale for the Time Being by Ruth Ozeki)

What about you? Where have books made you want to go? Link me up to your TTT!

33 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Places books have made me want to visit

  1. Pingback: Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite TTT topics | Caught Read Handed

  2. Pingback: SUNDAY FUNDAY: WEEK IN REVIEW [16] – Wisdom teeth, wands, and blue lilies | Caught Read Handed

  3. Prince Edward Island is on my bucket list thanks to Anne of Green Gables. I remember a Michael Smith lecture in Literature of the South in which he discussed the way Southern writers could depict a landscape better than those of many other regions. And while I agree that that ability is unique to the South, I also remember thinking that this Canadian, L.M. Montgomery, had done as good a job as anyone I had ever read.

  4. What a fab list and love the pictures and graphics to go along! Yes to Paris–I never get tired of visiting! Also, I love that you included Neverland on your list like I did. I haven’t read the Mercy Falls series but am intrigued…

    • The Wolves of Mercy Falls is a really cool series. I love books that don’t do myths in normal ways. So it has werewolves but Stiefvater has redone the werewolf myth. I love the way they change and why they are wolves. 🙂

  5. Cabsewater was such a creative choice! I loved all the scenes when they venture there in the book, but to be honest it seems kind of spooky as well and I think I’d be more intimidated than not to stumble across it in real life!

  6. I just read Let’s Get Lost, but I have always wanted to go to Alaska. Definitely up for Hogwarts or Diagon Alley. You might want to check out Jordan Romero’s Seven Summits too! Then you might have to climb Denali! Ill have to think about what other places I want to go from books I’ve read:~) Great post.

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