#ReadingMyLibrary Challenge: Week One Update

#ReadingMyLibrary Challenge

This was a short first week for the #ReadingMyLibrary Challenge – only four days! BUT I was able to read all of Beautiful You by Chuck Palahniuk and about 100 pages of The Orphan Queen by Jodi Meadows. Beautiful You made me feel really weird and uncomfortable and I’m not sure what I thought of it overall. Still processing. Orphan Queen is pretty cool so far. It took me a little bit to actually start it though; I read the first three pages several times before I processed what was happening. I think it was a side-effect of finishing Beautiful You. I’m also listening to Jackaby as an audiobook and I really like it. Nicola Barber is the narrator and she’s amazing with voices.

Beautiful You and Orphan QueenAccording to Amazon, I saved $33.40 by checking these books out from the library instead of purchasing them. Woo!

Each week during the Challenge, we’ve chosen a topic to discuss during our weekly update. This week’s topic is:

Tell us a little about your library (include a picture if you can!).

I work at a small library in a small town near central Mississippi. The population of the town is a little under 3,500 though not nearly that many people are registered at the library. We are part of the Central Mississippi Regional Library System, which comprises 20 branches in four counties. We’re pretty small, but we have a lot of amazing patrons, from kids to adults. We’ve got all your basic services, like faxing/copying/scanning, inter-library loan (though I’ve been here for 10 months and haven’t done one yet), computers, free wi-fi, newspapers/magazines, movies, and, of course, books. Some pictures? Like I said earlier, we are pretty small, so most of my pictures are from the same place because you can see almost everything from there.

I should’ve taken some more pictures of the computer areas and such, but I forgot. Ooops. But as you can see, the library is rather tiny. But I like it. 🙂 It’s a wonderful place to work and I have an awesome branch manager.

Alright, so there’s my week one update for the #ReadingMyLibrary Challenge. Now it’s your turn! What did you read this week? Link up below!

14 thoughts on “#ReadingMyLibrary Challenge: Week One Update

  1. Pingback: #ReadingMyLibrary Challenge: Week One Update | Girl in the Pages

  2. Aww, I love this! Definitely small compared to the libraries I’ve gone to over the years, but it has such a cozy feel.
    Also, can I just say I’m so glad the librarian before you was decent at taxidermy? Thank goodness you don’t have any of these: http://www.badtaxidermy.com/
    Unfortunately, I’ve made ZERO progress on the challenge so far! I’m currently reading an ARC, a purchased book, and one I borrowed from a friend. So basically everything but! 😛 I do have a handful of short books from my library that I’m hoping to get to, so hopefully I’ll have an update soon!

  3. I frequent 2 different libraries (in 2 states – I live right on the state border). My children refer to them as the big library and the little library. 🙂 The little one is probably smaller than yours, although it does have community room where we go to story hours and summer programs.

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