Top Ten Tuesday: Books I almost put down but didn’t


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by the Broke and the Bookish. Today’s theme was:

Ten Books I Almost Put Down But Didn’t


So here we go:

1. The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender by Leslye Walton

See my review. I kept reading for the writing mostly and to see how it would all play out.

2. Trainspotting by Irvine Welsh

This is written in Scottish dialect. Yeah. It’s pretty hard to read at first, especially since I was reading it before I went to Scotland and, therefore, before I’d actually heard much of the Scottish dialect. I’m really glad I pushed through it, because once you get used to it, it’s a great read.

3. Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov

I’m sure you can guess why. Again, glad I didn’t.

4. Allegiant by Veronica Roth

There were just a lot of things that I wasn’t expecting, I guess. It wasn’t how I thought the world would be explained. But I am glad I finished it.


Here are some books I DID put down but want to try again:

5. The Casual Vacancy by J.K. Rowling

I COULD NOT get into this book the first time. I read at least 50 pages and was just bored.

6. Outlander by Diana Gabaldon

I know so many people love this book, so I need to try again sometime.

7. The Lord of the Rings trilogy

I know, you’re all probably shocked I haven’t read this since I’m a HUGE nerd. I’ve read The Hobbit. I tried reading the trilogy when I was in, like, middle school, so I just need to find time to try them again.


So I don’t usually give up on books (or I hate a book so much that I do give up and don’t care to pick it back up), so I can’t think of a full list.

What are some books you almost put down but didn’t? Or did put down but want to try again? Link me to your TTT so I can check it out!

32 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Books I almost put down but didn’t

  1. Completely agree with ‘Lord of the Rings’! And respect that you actually read ‘Lolita’ and ‘Trainspotting’, I never even dared to start those two, to be completely honest!

    • Lolita was constantly being recommended by friends, so I had to try it. And Trainspotting was on my syllabus for a class when I studied abroad in Scotland. Glad I was told to read both. 🙂

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Oh, I am currently reading the Leslye Walton title right now! (Or trying to read it, I guess, as I’ve put it down for a few days now.) I’m still somewhere in third-ish chapter and I already feel like it would be difficult to get into the story? I mean sure the writing is great, but just, it’s the story itself I’m having a problem with. I’ve read so many beautiful things about it, so I really hope I pick up my pace!

    • That’s how I felt. I finished it, but never fully got into the story, I don’t think. The writing was beautiful for sure, but the story was strange. I liked it though.

      Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

  3. I wanted to stop reading Allegiant so badly, and a small part of me wishes I had as I was very disappointed with that ending.

    • You know, it wasn’t the ending that I didn’t like, but mostly the buildup to it. The explanation for what had happened in the world. I don’t know. I just thought it was a little strange, I guess. I was actually okay with the ending. But I feel you.

  4. I couldn’t get through Lolita. Humbert Humbert’s thoughts were just too disturbing to share space in my head. I did like A Casual Vacancy, though–not a lot, more of it was alright. Interesting writing, complex and well illustrated but irredeemable characters–and in need of some trimming, perhaps.

    • I completely agree that Lolita was seriously disturbing. I wonder what it says about me that I kind of like books like that? I like getting into other people’s heads like that.
      I definitely need to try The Casual Vacancy again. I mean, it’s J.K. I just couldn’t get through it at the time.

    • Hahaha. A tank reader. That’s a new one.
      We do have the same perspective on Allegiant. I thought the build up was more than questionable but I actually appreciated the ending. One of the only books I’d read that did something like that.

  5. Oh man, I’m with you there on The Lord of the Rings. No matter HOW HARD I try, I always give up by the second chapter 😦
    I haven’t heard very much about The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender (erk, what a mouthful! XD) but I’m interested in reading it…plus the cover is quite pretty… 😛
    Great post! Thanks for commenting on my blog!

  6. Lolita! If I hadn’t been reading this for a class I probably would’ve given up on it too (it feels really sinister at first, and it kind of is) but I’m glad I stuck with it if only so I can know how it ended, and what an unreliable narrator Humbert Humbert is! Also, I’ve stayed away from the Casual Vacancy because everyone has said it’s just boring!

  7. I LOVE the LOTR films and adore them but have been put off reading the books. I worry I won’t love them too much or they’ll be too long and confusing. I don’t know what’s putting me off really, but I feel like I should give them a go. I gave up on The Casual Vacancy too, I feel I should give it a go sometime soon. Nice picks 🙂 Here’s my TTT.

  8. The Casual Vacancy was the first book I ever brought back to the store to return. Heinous. Outlander is now my new favorite series BUT I’m listening to it on Audible. That makes a world of difference. I just don’t have time to read 800+ page books.

      • I’ve never done audiobooks. In fact, I snubbed them bc I assumed that didn’t count as “reading.” But this series benefits from audio due to the accents. I love British and Scottish/Gaelic accents so this series is pleasing to the ears. I also have a desk job so it breaks up the monotony. It’s not for everyone (“it’s” being audiobooks and/or Outlander).
        Yeah, Vacancy was a total disappointment. I understand Rowling wanting to distance herself from HP but damn, did she have to go that far?

        • I haven’t tried audiobooks mostly because I just love reading actual books. You know, flipping pages, reading the words, etc.
          But I spent a year living in Scotland and I love the accents, so I think I might have to try audiobooks for Outlander.
          Hahahaha. She went way tooo far.

    • Okay, well that’s good! I’m glad I’m not the only one who didn’t enjoy it. I think I got a hundred or so pages in, but I just couldn’t keep going. I do want to try again, but we’ll see.

      Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

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