Liebster Blog Award: Take 2

Recently, I was nominated for a SECOND Liebster Award by the wonderful Rachel over at Confessions of a Book Geek. Thank you so much, Rachel! If you would like to read the answers from my first post as well as find out the rules for the award, you can check it out here. I’ve cut a few of the questions from Rachel’s post as I answered some of them the first time or in other posts.

1. What is your preferred reading format? E-book, paperback, hardback?

I’m going to be pretty specific: I prefer floppy paperbacks. You know the ones that when you open them to the middle, they just flop open and stay that way? Yeah, they’re the best.

2. If you could only recommend one book for another to read, what would it be and why?

Goodness, this is hard. I’ve probably recommended this book at least a hundred times on this blog, so I’m just going to go with that one (though really it would depend on what type of books the person likes, etc.): The Humans by Matt Haig (you’re not surprised, are you? Ha). I pretty much try to mention this book at least once a week. Haha.

3. One of the recent themes of Top Ten Tuesday was: if you like this TV show/film, you should read this book. Provide a book recommendation based on your favorite film or TV show.

Well, first, I’m going to link to my TTT post from that week. Now for this question: As I’m so freaking excited for the premiere of Teen Wolf on Monday, I’d recommend Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater if you like Teen Wolf. 🙂

4. What is your opinion on commenting on blog posts?

I’m the type of person that if I relate to something or enjoyed reading something, I want to tell you. So I enjoy commenting on people’s blog posts if I like the post. Sometimes I’ll just like the post if I’m kind of in a rush or don’t know what exactly to say but still like the post.

5. What is your most anticipated read of 2014?

I’m going to give you two. First, Ian Rankin wrote a stage play called Dark Road that I saw in Scotland right before I moved home. It is being published in book form next month, and I can’t wait to get my hands on it. Second, Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins (duh). This shows you how wide ranging my book tastes are.

Dark Road

6. We all know about blogger hype, which book have you read which did not live up to the hype?

Dorothy Must Die.

7. Name one author whose books you will always read.

Ian Rankin. Hands down. I’ve read every single book he’s ever published, and I would read his grocery lists.

8. There are certain bloggers whose opinions I value, when they give a good review I will go out of my way to read that book. Name a blogger whose opinions you value and explain why?

Booknerderie, Girl in the Pages, and Drifting Pages (though she hasn’t posted many reviews; I know her irl and we discuss books on Skype all the time). There are several more, but these are the ones that came to mind right away.

9. What is your favorite part of blogging? The book tours, the reviews, the memes, the community…?

The community, hands down. I love being able to discuss books and reading with so many people. I’ve also made a couple of really cool friends, like the seriously awesome Annette at Booknerderie. We talk pretty much every day, including watching and discussing So You Think You Can Dance at the same time. That’s what I was hoping for when I started my blog: finding new books and new people to love.

10. What’s your favorite of your own blog posts?

Hmmm. Either my Love Letter to Books or The Problem with Books. I like discussion posts. I need to do more.

11. What’s your favorite word and why?

Pandemonium. It’s just a great word.


12. How long do you spend reading blogs each week?

A lot of time. I don’t know. I’ll just guess around 30 minutes to an hour a day.

13. When is your favorite time to blog?

The morning.

14. Why do you think people blog?

I don’t know why other people do, but I can tell you why I blog: Books and reading are my main passion in life. One of my favorite things is telling people about the books I’ve read and loved. I also LOVE when my friends come to me for book recommendations because they trust my judgment. What better way to do that as often as possible than on a blog? I get to tell people about the books I love and find new books to love through other people.

15. How long does it take you to compose an average blog post?

It depends. If it’s a TTT or meme like that, it usually takes between 15-30 minutes. A review usually takes a little longer, mostly because I write it, leave it alone for a while, then come back and reread it to make sure it makes sense and isn’t just me rambling (it’s usually just me rambling anyway).

16. What do you think makes a good blog?

Passion. If I can tell how much you loved something (or didn’t), it’s going to make me want to check it out. If I can feel your passion through your words, chances are I like your blog.

I also enjoy having discussions in the comments, so bloggers that take the time to respond to my comment and have conversations about the books/posts instead of just posting it are my favorites. I try to respond to every comment. 🙂

17. How do you find new blogs to follow?

I find a lot of new blogs to follow through Top Ten Tuesday. Also, if a blog I already follow and like links to another blog, I usually click through to check them out and follow if I like what they post.

18. Would you ever stop following a blog? Why?

If a blog I follow consistently posts reviews for books that I am just not interested in, I might unfollow; I might not though if I like their reviews or the way they write because I might end up trying a book I wouldn’t have originally. I would definitely unfollow if a blogger was rude to their followers for some reason or if they posted something that was offensive to me.

19. When do you find it most difficult to blog?

It’s not difficult for me to blog at any specific time or anything, but it is difficult for me to blog when I didn’t like a book. I have difficulty giving a book a low rating even if I didn’t like it. I know that’s stupid, but I am generally a pretty nice person (at least I try to be), and it feels like I’m insulting an author, especially since they put their heart and soul into writing that book. I’m getting better at this. I will never actually give a book a higher rating if my opinion doesn’t match it; I just feel bad doing it. Haha.


Blogs I’m tagging! Feel free to answer what questions you want. I know there’s a lot.


The End of the Chapter

A Bibliophile’s Style

Howling at the Muse

Tag: The Book Blogger Test

The wonderful Cristina over at Girl in the Pages tagged me in the Book Blogger’s Test. I’m so excited to participate!

What are your top three book pet hates?

1. Insta-love

2. Mary Sues

3. Broken spines, dog-eared pages, stains on the pages…

Describe your perfect reading spot.

I like curling up in the corner of the couch with a cup of coffee. When it’s not a billion degrees outside here in MS, I also like sitting on our front porch, but mostly I’m an inside-on-the-couch type of reader.

Tell us three book confessions.

1. I like screwed up characters. Give me all the messed up, super complex, “freaks”, please and thank you. If you’re a fan of Lost, Ben Linus is my favorite. In fantasy/sci-fi/dystopian, I have a soft spot for the “bad/evil” characters that have a seriously interesting back story that explains how they’ve gotten to this point..

2. It hurts me to give books low ratings, even if I truly didn’t like them. I feel really bad about it for some reason. I mean, I didn’t like it! What’s my problem?

3. I don’t know if this is much of a confession, but I can’t read more than one book at a time. I used to have to in high school and college, because I was always reading something other than what we had assigned to us (and I CANNOT read only one or two chapters for homework. I always read the whole book), but I can’t do it anymore. I like to focus on one world at a time. It’s too confusing to try to leave a world and enter another for short periods of time.

When was the last time you cried during a book?

It’s Kind of a Funny Story by Ned Vizzini

How many books are on your bedside table?

None, actually. I don’t usually put books on my bedside table, as I don’t read in bed. I will say that I’ve got both my Kindle and two other books on the tray next to the couch where I usually read: The Revealed is pulled up on my Kindle (my current read), Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson, and Necroscope by Brian Lumley.

What is your favorite snack to eat while you’re reading?

Does coffee count? I drink a lot of coffee. I don’t usually eat while I’m reading because I don’t like getting crumbs/stains on my books, but if I do snack, I like string cheese or cookies. 🙂

Name three books you would recommend to everyone.

1. The Humans by Matt Haig (all my readers saw this one coming)
2. The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
3. Any of the Harry Potter series, but my favorite is Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Show us a picture of your favorite shelf on your bookcase.

So before I moved to Scotland, my parents and I packed up ALL of my books, so I only have one bookshelf now instead of the FOUR I used to have. All of the books I have on this one shelf are ones I bought in Scotland or since I’ve been home. This shelf is filled with books I haven’t read of those.

 Yes, that is an actual, REAL Venetian mask. :) I got it when I was in Venice last year.

That is an actual, REAL Venetian mask. 🙂 I got it when I was in Venice last year.

Write how much books mean to you in three words.

Air I breathe. Books are my heart and soul and my main passion in life. “She read books as one would breathe air, to fill up and live.” – Annie Dillard, The Living

What is your biggest reading secret?

I am not a fan of Jane Austen. I know. Don’t kill me. I’m an English major for crying out loud. I just don’t like her books.

Who I’m Tagging:

Selah @ A Bibliophile’s Style

Jo @ Drifting Pages

Rachael @ The End of the Chapter

Alison @ Hardcovers and Heroines

Littleonion @ Littleonionwrites

And YOU. If you are reading this and would like to participate, I’d love to read your answers.

Even if you just want to answer a couple in the comments. Please feel free!

Life of a Blogger: 101 things I love

Life of a Blogger is a weekly meme hosted by the bookish blog Novel Heartbeat. The meme is a way for bloggers to talk about non-bookish topics and get to know one another!

Normally you upload your post on Thursday, but I just found this meme (and it says you can upload it whenever you want). I thought this would be a fun way to talk about some things other than books. And I’m only a day late. This seemed like a fun challenge to come up with 101 things that I love.

I’m just going to list the things as they come to mind, so they’re in no particular order. Here we go:

  1. Coffee
  2. Books. Obviously.
  3. Burt’s Bees chapstick
  4. Mismatched socks
  5. My family
  6. Going to concerts
  7. Going to the movie theater
  8. Band t-shirts
  9. Blogging
  10. Talking about books
  11. Music (I have wide ranging tastes in music: post-hardcore, indie, pop punk, pop, oldies, some rap. No country)
  12. Lists
  13. Ampersands
  14. Tattoos
  15. Fall weather
  16. Coffee mugs
  17. Cheese
  18. Edinburgh, Scotland
  19. TARDIS-es (is that the plural? Or is it TARDI? Lol)
  20. Meeting authors and getting books signed
  21. Painting
  22. Superhero movies
  23. The fresh smell after it rains
  24. Making people laugh
  25. Tom and Jerry
  26. Bookish people
  27. Caddy Shack Peace Tea
  28. The sound of the coffee pot percolating
  29. Train rides by yourself
  30. The Neighbourhood
  31. Arrows
  32. Babies falling asleep on your chest
  33. The smell of freshly baked bread
  34. The smell of gasoline
  35. YouTubers
  36. Traveling
  37. Mangoes
  38. Converse
  39. Vans (I love both)
  40. Coffee Toffee Bar Crunch Ben & Jerry’s
  41. The color green
  42. Getting into bed after a long day
  43. Hot showers
  44. Big sweatshirts
  45. The Chicago Bulls
  46. Long drives alone
  47. Long drives with friends
  48. Meryl Streep
  49. Candles
  50. Things with mustaches
  51. Shooting hoops
  52. Killing zombies with my brother (CoD)
  53. Getting mail
  54. Painting my nails
  55. Meeting new people
  56. Oreos
  57. Walking/running
  58. Freckles
  59. Puppies
  60. Having no hair (yes, I love it. So many advantages)
  61. Random (but appreciated) encouragement from friends (Alex, I’m looking at you, kid)
  62. Sharpies
  63. Bagels with cream cheese
  64. Hugs
  65. AP Magazine
  66. Laughing
  67. Apple juice
  68. Harry Potter
  69. Ian Rankin
  70. Mississippi University for Women
  71. Mean Girls (the movie, not bitches)
  72. The Perks of Being a Wallflower
  73. Pillows
  74. Dreamcatchers
  75. The sound of the tattoo gun
  76. Being crafty
  77. Crunchy Cheetos
  78. Dylan O’Brien
  79. Bates Motel
  80. Unique marketing campaigns (I’m a dork, I know)
  81. Learning new skills
  82. Villains (like Ben Linus in Lost. I LOVE him!)
  83. Loki
  84. Mythology
  85. Cheesy potato soup made by my mom
  86. Donnie Darko
  87. Twenty One Pilots
  88. Owls
  89. When authors favorite your tweets
  90. Getting new CD’s (yes, I prefer actual discs)
  91. Gary Oldman
  92. The warmth of a comforter right out of the dryer
  93. Waking up early (I’m a morning person)
  94. Losing yourself in a good book
  95. Edinburgh Castle
  96. Nando’s
  97. Psychological thriller movies
  98. Disney movies
  99. The song Weightless by All Time Low
  100. The number 8
  101. Being myself

Wow! This was harder than I thought it was going to be. What things would be on your list?